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Israel bans Spain from providing consular services to Palestinians from June 1

Israel does not agree that Spain and other countries will recognize the State of Palestine as of Tuesday. According to a press release from Israeli diplomacy, as a sign of retaliation, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs this Monday ordered the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem to stop providing services to the Palestinians as of June 1.

Israel Katz, Israel’s Foreign Minister, explained that he “took preliminary punitive measures against the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem following the Spanish government’s recognition of the Palestinian state.” And he added: “We do not tolerate attacks on Israel’s sovereignty and security.”

Specifically, from this date, the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem will “have the right to provide consular services only to residents of the Jerusalem consular district and will not have the right to carry out consular activities in relation to residents of the Palestinian Authority,” the statement said. said.

“Palestine will be free from the river to the sea”

Generally, consulates in a country maintain vital records, issue passports and identification documents, and issue voting powers and visas.

Spain is one of the European countries that has criticized Israel most over the war in the Gaza Strip. The foreign ministry of Spain’s socialist Pedro Sánchez government warned Israel on Saturday that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) rulings were “binding” and demanded their implementation.

“The orders of the International Court of Justice, including the order to stop the Israeli offensive in Rafah, are binding. We demand their statement,” wrote José Manuel Albarez on the social network X. “This also applies to a ceasefire, the release of hostages and access to humanitarian aid. The suffering of Gazans and the violence must end,” he added.

For her part, the number three in the Spanish government, Yolanda Díaz, leader of the far-left Sumar party and minister of labor, said: “Today we welcome the fact that Spain recognizes the State of Palestine,” but “we can.” I don’t stop there. Palestine will be free from the river to the sea,” she said, condemning the “genocide of the Palestinian people.”

This week, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government recalled its ambassador to Madrid for consultations following Spain’s announcement on Wednesday recognizing the State of Palestine.

Source: Le Parisien

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