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AMLO calls Mexican presidential elections next Sunday a “referendum”

The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obradorcalled this Monday “referendum”to the presidential elections next Sunday, in which he cannot be re-elected, but expects the victory of the candidate of the party in power, Claudia Sheinbaum.

Let people express themselves freely. It’s going to be very important because Sunday is more than an election, it’s a referendum, it’s a plebiscite, it’s a consultationIt’s not just about choosing the authorities, choosing the party, no, is to choose the nation project we want”, he expressed in his daily conference.

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His statements come as the opposition presidential candidate Xochitl Gálvez accused the president of “interfere”in the elections to favor Sheinbaum, from the ruling National Regeneration Movement (Brunette).

Gálvez appeared on May 13 Electoral Court of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF) to denounce that “the president influences, gets involved in the candidacy, in the election in favor of his candidate openly”, something that López Obrador denied the following day.

Although electoral legislation in Mexico prohibits employees from speaking out about campaigns and elections, the president argued that he can talk about the fact that people have two options: vote for “oligarchy” It is “corruption”from the past or by“transformation” from the country.

That’s what we’re going to solve. Do we want an oligarchy with a facade of democracy or do we want an authentic democracy where it is the people who decide and benefit from the nation’s assets, from Mexico’s wealth, benefiting from an equitable and fair distribution of wealth?”, he explained now.

The Mexican president also criticized Cláudio X. Gonzálezone of the businesspeople behind the coalition Strength and heart for Mexicowhich nominates Gálvez.

They get mad because (the campaign) didn’t work for them. He (X. González) became manager of the entire conservative bloc and thought that, with the help of advisors, organic intellectuals and a lot of money, they would crush us” he pointed out.

MORE INFORMATION: How Mexico achieved the most violent elections in its history with a record number of candidates murdered

AMLO He announced that on Sunday he will wait for the electoral authority to communicate the official results of the elections before making a decision on the matter.

He also mentioned that he will vote in the early hours of the day, close to National Palacein the center of Mexico City.

Mexico will hold the biggest elections in its history this Sunday, with more than 98 million voters who are called to renew more than 20,000 positions, including the presidency, 500 deputies, 128 senators and nine state governments.

Source: Elcomercio

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