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North Korea sent about 150 balloons filled with garbage and propaganda leaflets to the South

North Korea sent about 150 balloons filled with garbage and propaganda leaflets to the South

North Korea sent about 150 balloons filled with garbage and propaganda leaflets to the South

The North Korean leader followed through on his threats. About 150 balloons have been discovered by the army in South Korea’s border provinces in recent days, Yonhap news agency confirmed this Wednesday, May 29. His balloons had bags of garbage attached to them, as well as North Korean propaganda leaflets.

Several balloons are believed to still be in the air, although the military has found about 100 of them in Gyeonggi and Gangwon provinces. According to Yonhap, the contents of the bags were relatively varied and contained, among other things, “manure, plastic bottles, electric batteries and pieces of shoes.” The army advised residents of border provinces not to approach the balloons if they found them and to contact authorities.

“Waste and garbage will soon be scattered”

“According to the testimony, taking into accountcharacteristic smell It came from a bag, it is likely that they also sent excrement, possibly animal excrement,” said Chong Seong Chan from the Sejong Institute. “These actions by North Korea clearly violate international law and seriously threaten the security of our people. We call on North Korea to immediately stop its inhumane and vulgar actions,” the South Korean army responded on Wednesday.

The dispatch of these balloons can be linked to the statements of the North Korean Vice Minister of Defense this Sunday: “Waste and dirt will soon be scattered along the border areas and inside the Republic of Korea, and it will directly experience the amount of effort needed to eliminate them,” Kim Kang warned Ir.

A group of South Korean activists said in early May that they had sent 20 balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets and USB sticks containing K-pop songs and videos to the other side of the border, the BBC noted. Moreover, for years, North Korean dissidents living in South Korea regularly used balloons to send leaflets to the North urging North Koreans to rise up against the Pyongyang regime.

Source: Le Parisien

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