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Iran’s Supreme Leader Praises American Students for Starting Pro-Palestinian Movement

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in an open letter on Thursday praised American students who have launched a pro-Palestinian movement on several US campuses that has spread around the world, saying they chose the “right side of history.”

Beginning in mid-April from Columbia University in New York, this wave of support for the Palestinians and against the war that Israel is waging against Hamas in the Gaza Strip has spread to a number of institutions, from California to New England (northeast), passing through the south of the country .

The students condemn the United States’ military support for its Israeli ally and demand that their university sever all ties with companies associated with Israel.

“You are on the right side of history”

“Dear young students in the USA! This is our message of sympathy and solidarity with you. You are now on the right side of history,” Mr. Khamenei wrote in a letter signed on Saturday but published on his website on Thursday.

Iran, which does not recognize Israel, presents itself as one of Hamas’s main supporters in the war, sparked by the Palestinian movement’s unprecedented October 7 attack on Israeli soil.

“You have begun a noble struggle under brutal pressure from your government, which openly defends the usurper and ruthless Zionist regime (Israel),” the Ayatollah added.

videoParis, London, Sydney, Washington: Pro-Palestinian demonstrations grow

The movement on American campuses then spread to many countries, especially in Europe, to several high schools in France, Germany and Switzerland.

Source: Le Parisien

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