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Hamas will respond in the “next few days” to the truce proposal announced by Joe Biden, the media says

The Islamic group Hamas will respond “in the coming days” to the Israeli truce proposal announced last Friday by the American president, Joe Bidenat a time when consultations continue to resume indirect talks between the parties, official Egyptian sources reported this Thursday.

“Hamas will give its response to the truce proposal in the coming days,” a high-level source told the Egyptian state television channel Al Qahera News, very close to the North African country’s intelligence services.

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In this sense, the informant indicated that Egypt extended an invitation to the leadership of the Islamic group to go to Cairo and “address all details related to the current situation”, without providing further details.

Likewise, he recalled that Egypt “received positive signals from Hamas about their aspirations to reach a ceasefire”, something the Islamist group has made clear for months, but insists that a truce agreement must include a permanent cessation of hostilities.

Still, the source assured Al Qahera News that Hamas leaders have informed Cairo that they are “seriously and positively studying the truce proposal”, while Egypt is making “intense contacts” to resume negotiations between the Islamic group and Israel.

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On the other hand, he noted that Egyptian mediators are also intensifying their efforts to reconcile Palestinian factions, especially Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine with the aim of “achieving stability in the Gaza strip”.

Hamas guaranteed this Thursday that the new truce proposal does not reflect the positions defended by Biden in his speech on the end of the war and withdrawal of troops.

According to the US president’s announcement, in a first phase, lasting six weeks, there would be a complete ceasefire, Israeli troops would be withdrawn from all populated areas of the country. Link and several hostages would be released, including women, the elderly and the injured, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

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But during those six weeks Israel and Hamas They were to negotiate the details of the second phase, which would include “the permanent end of hostilities”, the release of the remaining hostages, including soldiers, and the withdrawal of the Israeli army, while the third phase would include the reconstruction of the devastated Palestinian enclave.

Source: Elcomercio

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