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Ukraine announces having damaged a SU-57, Russia’s most modern fighter, for the first time in history

Ukraine announced on Sunday that it hit an SU-57 fighter jet parked at an air base located in the south of Russiaits first attack against this type of next-generation stealth device.

Russian military aviation forces began using the aircraft Sukhoi SU-57 at the end of 2020, to replace the old Soviet fighter planes of the Su-27 and MiG-29 type.

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On Saturday, ”a multipurpose combat aircraft SU-57 of the aggressor state was hit at Akhtubinsk air basein the Russian region of Astrakhan”, located 600 kilometers from the Russian border with Ukraine, declared the Ukrainian military intelligence service GUR. The neutralization of a SU-57 “It’s a historic milestone,” he added.

The intelligence agency It also published satellite images from before and after the attack, in which fire and debris damage can be seen around an SU-57 at an air base. But he did not detail when the attack occurred nor did he directly take responsibility for the events.

Ukraine released satellite images of the damaged fighter.

An intelligence source, however, told AFP that the GUR was responsible and used Ukrainian-made drones in the attack.

Ukraine frequently attacks Russian military and energy infrastructure with drones, sometimes hundreds of kilometers from the front lines.

Russian air defenses shot down three drones over the Astrakhan region on Saturday, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Source: Elcomercio

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