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Israel says after resolution it will not enter into “endless and meaningless negotiations”

Israel announced today on United Nations Security Council who doesn’t thinkengage in endless, meaningless negotiations”for a ceasefire in Gaza, minutes after the Council approved a resolution presented by U.S to support a truce plan in Link.

The political coordinator of the Israeli diplomatic mission, Reut Shapirwho spoke after the intervention of the fifteen members of the Council, did not make it clear whether his country supported the resolution, as the US ambassador to the UN had already assured. Linda Thomas Greenfieldbut he implied otherwise.

LOOK HERE: UN Security Council approves US resolution supporting truce proposal in Gaza

Israel He follows his principles and they have not changed. We will continue (fighting) until all hostages return and we dismantle all combat and governance capabilities of Hamas“, said Shapir, without expressly mentioning that resolution, which initially calls for a ceasefire and the release of some hostages (women, elderly and injured).

This means that Israel will not engage in endless and meaningless negotiations, which can be exploited by Hamas as a way to buy time.,” he insisted.

Precisely the truce proposal presented by Joe Biden on May 31st and which was approved by the Council today consists of a three-phase plan that can be extended “if negotiations continue“, in which case”the ceasefire will continue”, which seems to contradict the diplomat’s statement.

MORE INFORMATION: This was the rescue operation of 4 Israeli hostages in Gaza that ended in carnage for the Palestinians

It is increasingly evident that the US government is putting pressure on the Israeli government to accept the truce proposal, even speaking on its behalf; Thus, the ambassador of U.S said today that “Israel has already given its approval to the agreement and the fighting could stop today if Hamas does the same.”.

As happened last week, the statements by American leaders come up against the reluctance of the Jewish government, which has not finished establishing the conditions to adhere to this ceasefire.

Source: Elcomercio

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