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The US considers negotiating a bilateral agreement with Hamas to release hostages, according to NBC

The Administration of Joe Biden is considering negotiating a bilateral agreement with Hamas to allow the release of American hostages in Link If the current discussions about a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian group fail, NBC News noted this Monday.

This possible new negotiationaccording to the media, it would not include Israel and would be carried out through Qatari interlocutorsas has also been the case in the current discussion.

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The sources of NBCNews They could not specify what they would offer washington for Hamas in exchange for the five Americans who, according to The White House are in the hands of Hamas.

The television channel argues that a potential agreement between the US Executive and the Palestinian Islamic movement could be of interest to Hamas to increase the tension between Washington and Tel Aviv and increase internal Israeli political pressure against the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

The parents of one of the five American hostages were in favor of an eventual bilateral agreement.

“We welcome any negotiations that lead to the return home of our loved ones, who have been detained for around eight months. “We pray every day that all hostage families are immediately reunited with their loved ones,” they said Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jon Polin in a statement released by NBC News.

The United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkenlanded this Monday in Tel Avivon what is already his eighth trip to the region, with the aim of relaunching truce negotiations between Hamas and Israel and, at the same time, avoiding an all-out war in the Lebanonwhere the daily exchange of gunfire increased.

Before traveling to Israel, Blink He was in Cairowhere he reiterated that the latest truce proposal presented by Biden is the “only way” to avoid more civilian deaths in the Gaza strip and insisted that, for now, the “only party” that has not accepted this initiative is Hamas.

Source: Elcomercio

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