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Was 2023 the most violent year? There is the biggest increase in conflicts since the end of the Second World War

Is the world going through one of the most difficult periods? A study carried out by Oslo Peace Research Institute (PRIO) analyzed the situation of violence in different parts of the world and reveals that 2023 was one of the most violent years since the end of the Cold War and the one with the most conflicts since 1946.

A worrying situation given the levels of violence that could be reached in the future.

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The report with the title Conflict Trends: A Global View, 1946–2023 analyzes state and non-state armed conflicts and other unilateral conflicts.

Among the results, it stands out that last year there were 59 state conflicts, and in Africa alone there were 28. Now, the number of participating countries has been reduced from 39 to 34, compared to 2022.

Another of the data revealed is that during 2023 there were 122 thousand deaths in international battles throughout the year.

The study indicates that there were fewer deaths than in 2022, but that it was the third most violent year since 1989. The greatest number of deaths comes from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas. , declared Siri Aas Rustad, a Prio researcher, to the AFP agency.

In communication with The tradeinternational analyst Roberto Heimovits indicates that the numbers should be taken with caution, as “a single conflict can be much more violent than 10 or 20”.

, clarifies. He further details that, although every death is a tragedy, in geopolitical terms there are peripheral and other central conflicts, which may attract more attention and are much more observed and accounted for.

This map indicates the conflicts that arose between States during 2023. (Image:

Regarding non-state conflicts, the report indicates that they rose from 84 in 2022 to 75 in 2023. However, despite this decrease, deaths related to this phenomenon remained at around 21 thousand.

The American continent surpassed Africa in non-state conflicts. “We are experiencing an increase in non-state conflicts related to gangs and drug cartels, both in Brazil and Mexico”, concludes the report, with Mexico being the most violent country, with more than 13,700 deaths.

On the other hand, unilateral conflicts generated 10,200 deaths, Haiti being a particular case, although deaths also occurred in Brazil and Mexico.

Are we becoming more violent?

The PRIO report indicates that 2023 turned out to be one of the most violent years since the end of the Cold War. Critical milestones have been established, such as 59 state conflicts, the highest number since 1946. “This may suggest that the conflict scenario is becoming increasingly complex, with more competing actors operating within the same country”, concludes the investigation.

While current conflicts may leave the impression that we are on the path to becoming more violent, Heimovits presents a different picture.

What exists is the potential, for example, there is the problem of nuclear proliferation in Iran, there is the possibility of Russia defeating Ukraine and its ambition to continue recovering the former countries that are subject to the former Soviet Union will grow, and a victory for [Donald] Trump and adopts an isolationist policy”, he highlights.

This is a Russian Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launcher.  (Photo: AFP)

This is a Russian Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launcher. (Photo: AFP)

On the other hand, for Professor Ramiro Escobar, the violence we are currently experiencing is private. Although it is not the first time that conflicts have occurred in the world, he highlights that a different scenario was considered with globalization, the digital age, international treaties and other “blockages”.

and suddenly we find ourselves with this confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, there is talk again of the use of an atomic bomb and suddenly we have this massacre in the Gaza Strip that cannot be stopped”, warns the professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).

A dangerous reality

The reality is that there are conflicts, which involve violence, death and destruction of lives. Here we can meet some that marked the last year and that continue to cause concern.

– The Russia – Ukraine conflict

The war scenario began on February 24, 2022 with the invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russia. The casualty figures are not entirely accurate, but a BBC report, published in April this year, indicates that more than 50,000 Russians lost their lives in Ukraine, and this country did not specify the number of deaths, without counting civilian victims.

Ukrainian military personnel from the 92nd Assault Brigade fire a BM-21 'Grad' multiple rocket launcher.  (Photo: AFP)

Ukrainian military personnel from the 92nd Assault Brigade fire a BM-21 ‘Grad’ multiple rocket launcher. (Photo: AFP)

For Heimovits, this is a risky conflict that cannot be ignored. “The conflict that should be most worrying is that of Ukraine because it has the potential to worsen. Most likely, it will be limited to Ukraine and Russia, but it always has the potential to increase, either in intensity or by attracting another belligerent,” he highlights.

And in recent months, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened the possible use of his strategic nuclear weapons; his army even carried out some training. For its part, Ukraine has received weapons from the United States, France and other European countries, having a greater share.

– Israel-Hamas conflict

This conflict has intensified into violence since, on October 7, 2023, a group of militants from the terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel with a large number of rockets, killing almost 1,200 people and kidnapping Israelis and foreigners. The State of Israel’s response was a deadly military operation that continues to this day in Gaza.

According to the PRIO report, along with the war between Russia and Ukraine, this scenario is one of the most violent and with the highest number of deaths. Different health and international authorities have indicated that the number of victims in Gaza exceeds 36,000 deaths.

Palestinian children walk through the rubble of their home a day after an Israeli Special Forces operation in the Nuseirat camp.  (Photo: AFP)

Palestinian children walk through the rubble of their home a day after an Israeli Special Forces operation in the Nuseirat camp. (Photo: AFP)

This situation has led to complaints of human rights violations against Israel. Even the International Criminal Court (ICC) requested an arrest warrant against the Israeli President, Benjamin Netanyahu, for war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as against the leaders of the extremist Hamas movement.

– Conflicts in Africa

Africa is going through a particular situation. According to the PRIO study, 28 conflicts between States were concentrated in Africa, out of a total of 59 that occurred during 2023.

According to Heimovits, the advance of the Islamic State and Al Qaeda can be seen in this region of the world. “Islamic State and al Qaeda’s advances in North Africa also have the potential to further destabilize that area,” he said.

These groups are present in Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Niger, which are “very fragile states and that is why there is the possibility of these movements making further advances”.

The Police intervene in the crime of the opposition candidate for mayor, Alfredo Cabrera, murdered during the end of his electoral campaign in Las Lomas, Guerrero, Mexico.  (Photo: AFP)

The Police intervene in the crime of the opposition candidate for mayor, Alfredo Cabrera, murdered during the end of his electoral campaign in Las Lomas, Guerrero, Mexico. (Photo: AFP)

– In Latin America

A different phenomenon occurs in our region. According to the PRIO report, America will overtake Africa in non-state conflicts by 2023.

For Professor Escobar, the last war between states was fought between Peru and Ecuador, in 1995, during the Cenepa War, and the guerrillas and terrorist groups “are in retreat”. Today there is a new protagonist: organized crime.

“The State is no longer facing a subversive, terrorist group, no, it is facing terrorism carried out by organized crime groups, such as drug traffickers in Mexico, and now in Ecuador”, he indicated. In the last Mexican elections alone, there were more than 37 murders of mayoral candidates, in addition to hundreds of crimes against people related to electoral activity.

Another scenario of violence is recorded in Haiti, where the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented 4,451 murders in 2023.

Source: Elcomercio

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