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Milei will persevere in reforms with or without parliamentary approval of the Basic Law

The government of Javier Milei will continue to persevere with the structural reforms undertaken, whether or not it manages to obtain Parliament’s support for the ‘Basic law‘, which tomorrow begins its legislative debate in the Senate, said this Tuesday the spokesperson for the Argentine Presidency, Manuel Adorni.

The Executive will continue its “path”, whether this fundamental law is approved or not, highlighted the government spokesperson, who however acknowledged that this norm is a “accelerator”to profoundly transform the economic and social model of Argentinafocusing on economic liberalism and reducing the role of the State in the economy.

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We will continue to follow our path with or without legal bases“Adorni declared this Monday in a conference on the eve of Basic lawwhich has already been approved by Chamber of DeputiesI arrived at Senate.

Of course, the ‘Basic Law’ will act as an accelerator for all the reforms we are carrying out and the reactivation of the economy.” he admitted.

The Senate will meet tomorrow to begin debate on the Basic Law and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentinesalso known as ‘general law‘, with which President Milei intends to establish a fundamental framework for the restructuring and reform of the Argentine State.

With this legislative initiative, which received the green light in the Chamber of Deputies on April 29, the Government also seeks to attract investment, through the deregulation of the economy and the reduction of the weight of the State.

The Executive – whose political strength, Advances of Freedomis a parliamentary minority and has no governors – it continues to negotiate with provincial authorities and senators to approve the rule, which must return with modifications to the Chamber of Deputies for final approval.

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Coming from a new political force, refusing to make management agreements with other formations and the vehement character of the president who refuses to compromise in the face of what he calls “political caste”, the Milei Government has encountered difficulties in getting laws approved in Congress.

Despite the lack of legislative support, Milei managed to balance the public accounts of Argentina and slow inflation, through an unprecedented adjustment and a severe blow to the real economy.

For analysts, Milei needs to get the approval of the ‘Legal Bases‘ to show the sustainability of its economic management, so, after the Executive failed to approve a more ambitious project last February, it presented one with fewer articles to obtain its approval.

Source: Elcomercio

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