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Gaza Conference Urges Israel to Open Aid Measures, Remove Obstacles

The international conference on Link This Tuesday, he urged Israel to reopen all border crossings with the Gaza Strip so that urgent humanitarian aid can reach the population and to eliminate the obstacles imposed, for which he blamed the Jewish State.

We must stop the aggression (…), open all steps for help and make a real effort to resolve the conflict at its roots.“, stated the Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs at a press conference, Ayman Safadiwho added that the message of this conference is “call for a ceasefire and highlight the important role of humanitarian organizations, especially the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA)”.

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He indicated that at this meeting, organized by Jordan, Egypt and the United Nations In the region of dead Seain the southwest of the Hashemite kingdom, was sought by “ensure international mobilization to deliver aid, which is not the solution, but alleviates the situation”.

In view of this, the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shukristated in this joint press conference with Safadi and the UN humanitarian chief, Martin Griffithsthat your country is working to “reopen the Rafah crossing”, which has been closed for weeks since Israel seized the Palestinian side of the border crossing with Egypt.

Safadi recalled that Israel is “the occupying force, the person responsible for the tragedy and all those responsible must be held accountable”.

The Jordanian minister noted that they do what they can, “but in the end the responsibility lies with the occupying force that imposes this situation on Palestine and the entire world”.

MORE INFORMATION: This was the rescue operation of 4 Israeli hostages in Gaza that ended in carnage for the Palestinians

Griffiths stated that the situation “It will be worse than we expect”as the situation in the Palestinian enclave worsens every day.

At the same time, he hoped that this conference would have an impact on all governments, especially after the resolution approved on Monday by the United Nations Security Council in support of the proposed truce in Gaza, announced by the American president, Joe Biden.

The UN humanitarian chief also stressed that priorities for Gaza include “provide ground aid” It is “finance humanitarian agencies”.

Source: Elcomercio

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