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Sunak says first migrant flight to Rwanda scheduled for July 24

The leader of Conservative Party and the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunaksaid this Wednesday that the first flight to Rwanda with immigrants arrived at UK on rough roads is scheduled for July 24th.

Sunak specified this date during a program on Sky News before the July 4th General Electionin which his Labor rival previously intervened, Keir Starmer.

LOOK HERE: Rishi Sunak promises to reduce migration quotas if he wins UK elections

The conservative leader argued that the objective of the controversial plan to send migrants to the African country is “be an impediment”, in order to reduce the number of potential refugees arriving by boat France for England by him English Channel.

Sunak acknowledged that the legal immigration It is also too high and he recalled that his manifesto, presented on Tuesday, proposes the introduction of annual quotas if he wins the next elections.

He Labor Party Starmer has indicated that if he comes to power he will revoke the Rwandan plan and change the immigration prioritize the training of British workers.

The conservative leader defended his economic management, by managing to reduce inflation from 11% in 2022 to the current 2.3%, and rejected accusations that in practice he will increase taxes by freezing the different income tax brackets.

MORE INFORMATION: Why the UK will send illegal migrants to Rwanda “no matter what”

The head of the Executive, who took office in October 2022 without going to the polls, also defended his knowledge of the problems facing the country. National health system (NHS, in English) when remembering that his father was a doctor and his mother, a pharmacist.

Questioned by the presenter, Beth RigbyIn a fact that could make him attractive to the electorate, Sunak said that, contrary to those who say he leads a super healthy lifestyle, he actually consumes a lot of sugary products, such as Haribo candies and chocolate bars like Twix.

He Conservative Partywho has governed since 2010, faces a possible electoral disaster in the next elections, according to polls, which place him with 22% of the votes, against 43% for Labor.

Source: Elcomercio

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