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The Argentine Senate gives the green light to the Milei Government’s emblematic project

On a historic day, the Argentine Senate approved on Wednesday night the long-awaited Basic Law, the ambitious legislative project of the Government of Javier Milei, which establishes the legal framework for the profound transformation of Argentina’s economic and social model.

After eleven hours of uninterrupted debate and while thousands of protesters in the streets demonstrated against it, the Legal bases and starting points for the freedom of Argentinesalso known as ‘general law‘, received 36 votes against and 37 in favor, including the ‘casting vote‘from the president of High camera and vice-president of the Republic, Victoria Villaruelto break the tie in a second vote.

The initiative, presented by the Executive as a fundamental piece for “modernize and energize“the country, based on economic liberalism and the reduction of the role of the State in the economy, has already gone through the process of Chamber of Deputies. If during its processing, particularly in the Senatethe initiative is modified, it will return to the Low camerafor discussion and final sanction.

Information under development…

Source: Elcomercio

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