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The Milei Government describes the protests in front of the Senate as “sedition” and “coup d’état”

The Government of Argentina described the violent mobilizations that took place this Wednesday near the Senate, where legislators debated and finally approved what is known as Legal Basesof “great act of sedition” and “coup d’état, understood as it is understood in the 21st century”.

“A coup d’état in which the Government wears itself out so that it loses more and more strength and more and more legitimacy”clarified the Presidency spokesperson, Manuel Adorniat his usual morning press conference at Casa Rosada (government headquarters).

Adorni praised the work of the security forces and the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichwho “managed to repress with force and force” what they considered “a violent protest to try to stop the session (in the Upper Chamber) and break democracy” carried out by “terrorists”.

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Argentine senators approved on Wednesday night the Basic law and starting points for the freedom of Argentinesthe star project of the Executive of Javier Mileiwho presented this set of regulations as a fundamental piece to “modernize and energize” Argentina based on economic liberalism and the reduction of the State’s role in the economy to a minimum.

In this sense, the Presidency’s spokesperson welcomed the approval of the law in the Upper Chamber, which introduced changes to some chapters, and compared the Executive’s legislative success with the mobilizations that took place in the center of Buenos Aires, called by unions and social movements and left.

“(Yesterday) we saw wild Argentina. Outside Congress (which shares its headquarters with the Senate) there were terrorists who represented the people but were never elected. “This Government came to put an end to that wild Argentina”concluded Adorni.

According to the latest police reports, 31 people were arrested for the events that took place in Congress Square, a symbolic and traditional location for mobilizations and clashes between protesters and security agents.

“The final consequences will be achieved (…), today they started analyzing images. Demonstrations are genuine, showing discontent, disagreeing is genuine. “What is not genuine is that this is done with violence”, added Adorni, who announced that “the decision is that everyone receives the maximum sentence that corresponds”.

Source: Elcomercio

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