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US announces 10-year security agreement with Ukraine

U.S announced on Thursday in Italy, where the summit of the G7a security agreement with Ukraine for the next ten years with the aim of supporting the country against the Russian invasion.

“The United States is sending a powerful signal today of our strong support for Ukraine, now and in the future,” said a US statement accompanying the security agreement, shortly before the official signing by US President Joe Biden, and by its Ukrainian counterpart. Volodymir Zelensky.

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The agreement, similar to U.S has with Israel, commits Washington to train the Ukrainian army, provide it with defense equipment, conduct exercises and cooperate in the defense industry.

However, unlike what would happen if Ukraine If they were members of NATO, the United States would not commit to sending its troops to defend the country.

Although the agreement seeks to commit the next US administrations, its future is not guaranteed in the event of a victory for former Republican President Donald Trump in the November elections this year.

Source: Elcomercio

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