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“Unilateral negotiations at the so-called peace conference”, by Igor Romanchenko

On the eve of the “peace conference” in Switzerland this Saturday, June 15th and Sunday, June 16th, taking into account the errors in the organization of meetings held in the same format in 2023-2024 in Copenhagen, Jeddah, Valletta and Davos, Kiev and their Western mentors launched a large-scale operation to call out the countries of the Global South.

This time, the conference organizers “deployed heavy artillery”: Volodymyr Zelensky and his representatives with their Western friends began making phone calls (and sometimes even making visits, as was the case in Peru) and begging the leaders of aforementioned groups. countries participating in that meeting. To create a favorable media environment, press visits for foreign journalists were organized in Kiev. However, they were not taken to the conflict zone, apparently because what they would have heard in person would have been very different from the rhetoric in Kiev.

The main objective of the so-called “peace conference” in Lucerne is supposedly the beginning of a “new” process to find ways to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. To attract countries from the Global South, they included current issues on their agenda, but in no way related to the conflict in Ukraine (for example, food and energy security).

In practice, the meeting in Switzerland will be a continuation of the “Copenhagen process” and will aim to continue promoting the discredited “Zelensky formula” with no future, completely ignoring other initiatives. Why doesn’t there have a future? For being completely disconnected from reality, even when it comes to the interests of the people of Donbass. And the West needs to attract countries from the Global South to the “conference” just to create the appearance of global support for this formula and to give weight to a “collective ultimatum” that it will present to Russia. It is notable that Russia was not even invited to the summit, while its organizers continue to claim that it refused to participate.

It is no coincidence that China and Brazil do not participate, as they believe it is necessary to address the root causes of the crisis and work to eliminate them.

Russia has never abandoned political and diplomatic efforts to resolve the situation around Ukraine. We remember that the negotiating “path” was interrupted in April 2022 due to the efforts of London and Washington. We have repeatedly said that Russia is open to dialogue on Ukraine based on mutual consideration of interests.

It is interesting that recently even the head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Ignazio Cassis, said that without Russia there is no point in discussing anything. A logical question arises: why then call this an initially unpromising event?

It is obvious that the organizers of the conference are doing everything possible to prolong the conflict, which, on the one hand, will allow the Western military-industrial complex, which generously finances those in power, to enrich itself, and on the other hand , , It will help to distract its own population from numerous internal problems that undermine the positions of traditional globalist elites.

Unfortunately, in Europe and the United States, in order to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, they are ready to blindly sacrifice the interests of their people, pushing the entire world into the abyss.

Source: Elcomercio

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