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NATO chief says Russia’s peace proposal with Ukraine is not in “good faith”

The peace proposal with Ukraine launched by the Russian president, Vladimir Putinwas done “in good faith”, said this Friday the secretary general of NATO, Jens Stoltenbergwho warned that there will be “more aggression and more occupation”.

The plan “it means that Russia could achieve its war aims by waiting for the Ukrainians to cede significantly more territory than they Russia managed to occupy until now”he said Stoltenberg.

READ TOO: The European Union believes that Russia is not interested in peace, but rather in escalation in Ukraine

For this reason, the person in charge added, “It’s not a peace proposal. It is a proposal for more aggression and more occupation, and it shows, in a way, that Russia’s objective is to control Ukraine”.

This control of Ukrainian territory “it has been Russia’s purpose since the beginning of this war“, he expressed Stoltenberg at the end of a meeting of defense ministers of the NATO.

In turn, the US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd AustinI say that put on “illegally occupied the sovereign territory of Ukraine. “He is not in a position to dictate to Ukraine what it must do to achieve peace.”

In the opinion of Austin “This is exactly the type of behavior we don’t want to see. We don’t want to see the leader of a country wake up one day and decide that he wants to erase borders and annex your neighbor’s territory”.

This Friday, Putin said that his country will negotiate an end to the conflict if Ukraine withdraws its troops from the four regions claimed by Russia (Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya) and renounces joining the NATO.

“As ready as Kyiv (…) begins the effective withdrawal of troops, and as soon as he announces that he is abandoning his plans to enter the NATO“We will immediately give (…) the order to cease fire”, Putin told Russian Foreign Ministry officials. Foreign Affairs.

Source: Elcomercio

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