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The G7 threatens Iran with “significant measures” if it continues to transfer missiles to Russia

The leaders of G7the seven most advanced democracies in the world, threatened this Friday Will “with new and important measures” yes Tehran keep supporting Russia in the war of Ukraine with ballistic missiles and other technologies.

We asked Will stop helping Russia in the war in Ukraine and not transfer ballistic missiles and related technology, as this would represent a significant material escalation and a direct threat to the European security”says the final declaration of the summit of Apulia (South of Italy).

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The leaders of United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada and Italy they are “willing to respond quickly and in a coordinated manner, including with new and important measures”.

Also “demand” what “Iran puts an end to its malicious activities and destabilizing actions in the Middle East” and are displayed “willing to adopt new sanctions or other measures in response to new destabilizing initiatives”.

We continue to call for the immediate release of MSC Ariesyour crew and your cargo“, they say about the ship”linked” with Israel which was captured on April 13 by Iran in the Persian Gulf, with 25 people on board.

With regard to Iran’s nuclear program, leaders assure that Will “must put an end” to its “destabilizing actions” and reiterate its “determination that it should never develop or acquire nuclear weapons.”

We urge Tehran to end the nuclear escalation and continue nuclear activities. uranium enrichment that do not have credible civil justifications“, as well as “encourage serious dialogue and offer convincing guarantees that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful, in full cooperation and compliance with the monitoring and verification mechanism of the IAEA”.

This includes resolving the Board of Governors of June 5th, in which the IAEA demands more cooperation from Iran to determine the origins of traces of uranium at undeclared facilities in its nuclear program, while at the same time producing nuclear fuel at levels close to to use military.

The leaders of G7 support “the role of surveillance and verification of IAEA in relation to the nuclear obligations and commitments of the Willand express your “deep concern about the current lack of cooperation on the part of the Iran with the Agency”.

And finally, the G7 reiterates its deep concern for violations of the human rights committed by Willespecially against women, girls and minority groups”.

“We call on Iran’s leaders to put an end to all unfair arrests and arbitraryincluding dual nationals and foreigners, and we condemn the unacceptable harassment of its citizens.he concludes.

Source: Elcomercio

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