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Sánchez demands to make it clear to Russia that validating its aggression against Ukraine is non-negotiable

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchesstated this Saturday that the summit on Ukraine which is celebrated in Swiss play for Russia “a very clear message” that there are principles that are non-negotiable, including respect for the sovereignty of a country, nor is it negotiable that its aggression can be validated.

Any solution that validates aggression or violent annexation will not be sustainable. This will only lead to a more unstable and dangerous world“, he highlighted in his speech at the plenary session of this summit attended by leaders from ninety countries, fifty of them heads of State or Government.

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Sanchez With these words he expressed his clear rejection of the Russian president’s plan, Vladimir Putinto end the war that was raised on the eve of this summit.

In your opinion, the leaders gathered in Swiss They must show that they are united around core values such as respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each country.

He asked that the defense International Law and International Humanitarian Law They always apply and must be respected at all times.

“These are universal principles that must be firmly defended, consistent way and consistent everywhere, at all times and regardless of the actors involved. “Principles are principles and therefore,” he added, “they are non-negotiable.”

For him, this must be the basis of a just and lasting peace in the Ukrainewhose president, Volodimir Zelenskyco-chairs this event together with the President of Switzerland, Viola Amherd.

That’s why he advocated sending this message at the summit to Russia although the main issues it intends to address are some global consequences of the conflict, such as the humanitarian crisis, the worsening of the food crisis and the fear of a nuclear catastrophe, in response to which he said that Spain committed policies and resources to try to mitigate them.

Sanchez He recalled that more than two years have passed since the beginning of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, which, according to him, constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and United Nations Charter.

Praise “heroism and resistance” of the Ukrainian people and their Government in the defense of their country and guaranteed that Spain will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary.

Because one thing is clear in this conflict: there is a aggressorwhat is it? put onand there is a victim, who is Ukrainian people. In all conflicts we must defend the victim and stop the aggressor.”he added.

He added that it may be tempting to blame others for this war, such as West or NATO, and that Russia You may claim that you are concerned about safety regarding the situation at hand. Europe and that this concern is legitimate.

However, he stressed that in all cases certain basic rules must be applied to maintain peaceful coexistence between nations.

The rules he specified are quite simple and of which he gave several examples: “A country cannot invade its neighbor. You cannot forcibly annex the territory of another country. Food is not a weapon. “Nuclear threats are unacceptable.”

If these rules are not upheld firmly, he warned that there is no international order and chaos would lead the world to be subject to the rule of the strongest, something that classified as inadmissible.

The President of the Government was confident that the summit will contribute to the creation of a consensus on the basis of which a future solution can be discussed with all relevant stakeholders, including Russia.

“The time has come”, he stressed, “to achieve just peace and durable that Ukraine and the world deserves it.”

Source: Elcomercio

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