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Colombia: Father of Vice President Francia Márquez emerges unharmed from an attack

The father of the vice president of Colombia, France MarquezSigifredo Márquez Trujillo, emerged unharmed from an attack carried out this Sunday when he was traveling between the departments of Cauca and Valle del Cauca, in the southwest of the country, according to official sources.

The attack occurred when Márquez Trujillo was traveling with a nephew of the vice president between the municipalities of Timba, in the troubled department of Cauca, and the town of Robles, in the rural area of ​​Jamundí (Valle del Cauca).

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“My heart hurts because on this very day they attacked my father. I inform you that my father, together with my 6-year-old nephew and the two protectors, suffered an attack on the Suárez-Cali highway, near Timba, fortunately they were unharmed from the attack and are well.”said the vice president in a statement in which she referred to the Father’s Daywhich is celebrated today in Colombia.

For its part, the Military Forces Command stated that “According to initial information, the vehicle in which (the employee’s father) was traveling through the Timba sector was hit four times by gunfire. Fortunately without any consequences to regret.”.

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Meanwhile, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Pedroexpressed solidarity with his vice president on his X account and asked authorities to open investigations into the case.

“A hug of solidarity to Vice President Francia Márquez for the attack against her father. “I urge the authorities to begin the relevant investigations.”wrote the head of state.

The Presidency of the Republic also issued a statement indicating that the vice-president’s father “he came out of this event unscathed” and was transferred by a National Police helicopter to Cali, capital of Valle del Cauca.

“Attacks against the civilian population are a flagrant violation of international and human rights. “It is unacceptable that armed groups operating in the area continue to use disproportionate violence and terror as tools of war.”added the Presidency.

Zone of guerrilla violence

Although it is not yet known who the perpetrators of the attack are, in the area where the incident occurred there is a strong presence of men from the Central General Staff (EMC)the main dissident of the former guerrilla of FARCas well as drug trafficking groups.

Due to the attack on her father, the vice president also expressed concern “for security in Cauca, Valle del Cauca, in the municipality of Suárez and in the district of La Toma, as well as for security” of your community and your family.

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In this sense, he requested the Public Ministry “open relevant investigations to clarify these facts”while the Ministry of Defense requested “take the necessary measures to strengthen the presence of the Military and Police Forces, which contribute to guaranteeing security in Cauca and Valle del Cauca”.

Despite what happened, Márquez appealed “All of Colombia, to join the necessary efforts to bring our society to peace. “If we work together, we can turn this page of pain and violence.”.

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For two months, the departments of Cauca and Valle del Cauca have been the scene of terrorist actions by EMC against military and police installations, which left people dead and injured.

Source: Elcomercio

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