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UNRWA warns that it only has guaranteed funding until July

The Commissioner General of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarinireported this Monday in Oslo the difficult situation that this organization is going through and guaranteed that it only has guaranteed financial resources until next month.

“O UNRWA It has financing until July, after that we don’t know what will happen. “Financing comes month by month”he said after a meeting with the Norwegian Foreign Minister, Espen Barth Eideaccording to the Norwegian agency NTB.

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This organization has been experiencing serious problems since last January U.S and several countries suspended their payments following Israeli accusations that government officials UNRWA participated in the attack Hamas against Israel in October.

Most countries have resumed economic support, but not U.S.

After the meeting with the Norwegian authorities, Oslo announced a new contribution of 100 million crowns (8.7 million euros) to the UNRWAwhich adds to the 275 million crowns (24 million euros) delivered so far this year.

The Israeli Army announced yesterday an eleven-day tactical pause in a small humanitarian corridor south of the strip Linkbut Lazzarini He said there was no change in the situation at the moment.

There are reports that a decision has been made on this, but political level It is said that it has not yet been decided. As far as our operations are concerned, nothing has changed yet“, he said.

Source: Elcomercio

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