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González Urrutia accuses the Government of seeking a hostile electoral environment with arrests

The presidential candidate of the main opposition coalition Venezuela, Edmundo González Urrutiasaid this Monday that the Government of Nicolás Maduro seeks to create an environmenthostile” with the arrests of anti-Chavistas – five in the last four days –, before the July 28 elections.

It is about creating a hostile environment (before) the elections, before the campaign begins“, scheduled for July 4, the former ambassador told journalists, who rejected the arrests of Javier Cisneros It is Gabriel Gonzálezparty members Sell ​​Venezuela (VV), who leads Maria Corina Machado.

LOOK HERE: Venezuela: Presidential candidate Edmundo González denounces arrest of three opposition activists

In González Urrutia’s opinion, these arrests “They encourage young people to lose heart and leave the country” It is “they are a violation” of Barbados Agreementin which the Executive and the opposition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) reached an agreement on electoral conditions last October.

These are actions that not only violate the spirit and letter of the Barbados agreement, but also affect the normal development of the electoral campaign. (…). These events will not discourage us, we will continue in the electoral fight in which we are committed and in which we are sure we will win“, sustained.

He added that the PUD will report “this new attack by the Government in all international instances“, because it is about”serious violations”to the guarantees agreed between the parties.

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Machado, as well as several opposition leaders and parties, denounced the “arbitrary arrests“of these two young men, who – he assured – were taken to the dungeons of Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), in Caracas.

The former deputy estimated the total number of opponents arrested so far this year at 37, of which 20 are directly linked to the campaign command of the Edmundo González Urrutiawho will face Nicolás Maduro and eight other candidates in July.

Source: Elcomercio

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