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Argentina removes solar panels that had been placed in Chilean territory

Navy personnel Argentina This Tuesday they removed a set of solar panels installed on a military base on the southern border with Pepper which were placed “by mistake” three meters from Chilean territory, as official sources confirmed to EFE.

They were taken out despite the bad weather“, assured these same sources, who specified that the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Hito 1, located in the province of Fire land (South of Argentina) is “an area of ​​rocks” in which “I snow a lot” in the last days. “It’s not easy to get there”they specified.

READ TOO: Boric demands that Argentina remove panels from military bases on the border “as quickly as possible”

The presidential spokesperson Argentina, Manuel Adorniconfirmed this Tuesday in a press conference at Casa Rosada (government headquarters) that the president Javier Mileiand its Chilean counterpart, Gabriel Boricthey talked in person about the situation.

The spokesperson explained that both leaders met informally last Saturday in the Swiss city of Burgenstockduring the Peace Summit in Ukraine held in the Swiss country.

“They were specifically waiting to see (the president of the Ukraine, Volodymir) Zelensky. There, informally, the president of the Pepper “he presents (to Milei) the problem that existed,” detailed Adorni.

In this sense, the spokesperson informed that Milei “he promised to speak to the chancellor (Diana) Mondino and solve the problem.”

The government of Argentina He referred to Monday’s incident as a “confusion“or one”unintentional error”, because in the area there are two types of fences that separate the border between the two countries and whoever installed it was guided by one of the dividing lines that are within Pepper.

It’s not such an impressive job, there are some solar panels placed, but they didn’t carefully check which coordinates marked the limit.”the Argentine ambassador recognized in Pepper, Jorge Fauriin statements to Chilean radio BíoBío.

The material was donated to Milestone 1 by Mirgor Foundation and TotalEnergies and installed by the latter to supply renewable energy to the area where the Argentine Navy carries out sovereign controls over the territorial sea.

Source: Elcomercio

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