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Milei alludes without citing them to the cases of Sánchez’s wife and brother

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileireferred this Friday, although without naming them, to the legal proceedings of the wife and brother of the president of the Spanish Government, the socialist Pedro Sanchesin a veiled criticism.

After receiving the International Medal of Madriddelivered by its president, the conservative Isabel Diaz Ayusothe ultraliberal Milei harshly attacked socialism and social justice, “something truly aberrant”as he has said on other occasions.

READ TOO: Spanish government regrets “profound disloyalty” of the regional president of Madrid for the meeting with Javier Milei

“The truth is social justice It is deeply unfair and violent, it takes from some and gives to others, preceded by robbery because taxes are paid at gunpoint, you go to prison if you don’t pay, unequal treatment before the law.”He described.

Furthermore, social justice advocates often raise “noble questions, but criterion “He always plays pranks”he added.

and then commented that “there are always porous leaks in the hands of politicians, but “maybe not directly from the politician, maybe from a brother or partner”. And he added: “Whoever wants to understand, let him understand.”

A Spanish judge decided last April to investigate Begoña Gómez after the self-styled ‘SyndicateClean Handsof the extreme right, filed a complaint, based on press reports, for the alleged practice of crimes of influence peddling and business corruption, and that the The Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office asked to archive it.

Furthermore, another court opened investigation proceedings against the brother of Sanchez for the alleged practice of crimes of embezzlement, malfeasance and influence peddling, also after reporting Clean Hands.

The Argentine president referred Sanchez as “laia” and his wife as “corrupt”, without explicitly naming them, at an event by the Spanish far-right party Vox held in Madrid on May 18th.

The Spanish Government reacted by withdrawing its ambassador from Buenos Aires after the Argentine president, who appealed “coward” repeatedly to Sánchez, did not apologize for that statement.

Source: Elcomercio

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