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Venezuela: Maduro says opposition candidates plan a coup for “any moment”

The president of Venezuela and candidate for re-election, Nicolás Madurothis Friday accused the two opposition candidates who did not sign an agreement recognizing the result of the July 28 elections – Edmundo González Urrutia and Enrique Márquez – of planning a coup d’état for “any moment”, of which he claims to have proof, which he did not show or detail.

What did they register for in the elections? For what? They signed up to try to embarrass the country, to harm Venezuela again and, they believe, trying a coup d’état at any time, I have proof, I know what I’m saying”, said the head of state during a political event in the west of the country.

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According to the president, González Urrutia, candidate of the main opposition coalition – the Unitary Democratic Platform (PUD) – and Márquez, whom he called “puppets of the oligarchy”, They intend to “scream fraud” and generate “violence and coup d’état”, statements that Maduro often resorts to when talking about the opposition.

In this sense, he asked his followers for “nerves of steel” and “maximum unity and mobilization” in the face of “any circumstances”, so that he can win. “peace on every street, in every community and in every municipality”.

He recalled that he, who proposed the aforementioned agreement, signed it because he wants “peace and the best for Venezuela” and because he is sure that “he will win by defeat, by knockout” in the elections.

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The document, signed by eight of the 10 candidates, commits the signatories to maintaining a “climate of respect, peace and democratic participation”, so that, on election day and in the following days, “the will of the people of Venezuela with acts of violence and destabilization that threaten the country’s well-being.”

This Friday, Márquez described the agreement as “useless”, since its content is “redundant” and “incomplete”, in addition to being “unilateral”, having “not been able to give an opinion and discuss its content”.

For his part, González Urrutia said Thursday that he was not invited to sign the agreement, which he had already rejected, arguing that the recognition of the results is already included in the Barbados Agreement, signed between the PUD and the Government in October. , with international monitoring and support.

Source: Elcomercio

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