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VIDEO: China: Falling Rocket Debris Causes Panic in Village

Amateur footage taken on June 22 showed several people in panic as they watched rocket debris fall near their village. Some run, paralyzed, others cover their ears. The incident occurred in Guizhou province in southern China.

The debris is actually a Long March 2C rocket stage, and the yellow-orange smoke is nitrogen peroxide, according to Space News. The chemical compound, regularly used in space rockets, is highly toxic and hazardous to health. No casualties were reported after the accident.

The rocket launch took place on the same day about 800 km to the west, at the Xichang space base in Sichuan province. The mission is the result of a collaboration between France and China to send into orbit an observation satellite designed to study the phenomenon of gamma-ray bursts in the Universe.

Thus, the success is mixed, although China regularly faces this falling debris, in part due to the geographical location of the launch bases.

Source: Le Parisien

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