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Guaidó denounces as irresponsible the suspension of dialogue by the Government

The Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaidó called this Saturday irresponsible the suspension of the dialogue by the Government, which announced that it will not attend the meeting scheduled for Sunday, October 17 as a form of protest for the extradition to the United States of the Colombian businessman Álex Saab, supposedly figurehead to the president Nicolas Maduro.

“With the irresponsible suspension of their assistance to Mexico -where the talks have been taking place since last August-, they once again evade urgent attention to the country, which today suffers with 76.6% of extreme poverty,” said Guaidó on his social network account. Twitter

He indicated that “Solutions that Venezuela needs are urgent and no interest should take precedence over emergency”, so he reiterated his “Commitment to continue insisting on the need to achieve a comprehensive agreement to solve the crisis.”

The opponent, who was the promoter of the dialogue that began on August 13 in Mexico as a way to seek “free” general elections, remarked that it is not going “to rest”Until an agreement is reached for the country.

“Every minute that is delayed is counted in lives. Venezuelans are, and should be, the only priority”He added.

He also celebrated the extradition of Saab, who was requested by the United States for a money laundering case, and applauded the Justice system of Cape Verde, where the Colombian businessman was detained since June 12, 2020.

The Government of Venezuela interrupted this Saturday, as a result of Saab’s extradition, the dialogue that had been taking place with the opposition since last August 13 in the Mexican capital.

Saab was recently appointed as a member of the Venezuelan government’s negotiating team, which also defends him as a diplomat.

According to sources from the Cape Verdean Government revealed to Efe, the Constitutional Court of that country, which considered the Colombian’s extradition constitutional on September 7, sent the final judicial order to the Attorney General on Thursday, October 14, so that the extradition become effective.

The name of the 49-year-old businessman, who was finally extradited today, appeared in the media when former Venezuelan prosecutor Luisa Ortega Díaz accused him in 2017 of being one of Maduro’s front men.

The businessman and three stepchildren of Maduro profited from these operations with “hundreds of millions of dollars,” according to US authorities.


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