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Evo Morales guarantees that he “was the target” of the uprising by former military leader Zuñiga

The former president of Bolivia and leader of the ruling party, Evo Morales (2006-2019), assured this Friday that he “was the target” of the military action of the dismissed commander-general Juan Jose Zuñiga and blamed government officials for Luis Arce to attack him.

“The target was Evo Moralessaid the former president when referring to the military action led by Zuniga on Wednesday against the headquarters of the Bolivian Executive in the city of Peace.

READ TOO: Bolivia captures four other soldiers who “led” the “coup attempt”

He added that last Saturday the Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela Pradaattacked him saying that Evo destroys Bolivia” and “Evo wants to shorten Lucho’s (Arce) term.”

The way the minister gave the conference shows that Lucho is right“Morales indicated in a press conference in Cochabambaregion that is its political and union stronghold.

He also criticized that no one from Arce government denied what was said by Zuniga in a television interview with local media on Monday, where he threatened “arrest him”, if he ran as a presidential candidate in the 2025 elections.

“In me experience as former captain of Bolivian Armed Forces I discharged them (…) but they remained silent”Morales added.

On Wednesday this week, Zuniga together with a group of soldiers armed with tanks, took the Murillo Square in front of the headquarters of Government of Bolivia. At the scene, the dismissed military leader said he wanted “change the cabinet” It is “to restore“Democracy.

Hours later he retreated and was later captured along with 16 soldiers as he left the military headquarters. General Staff.

Arce and Morales They have been estranged since the end of 2021 and their differences deepened last year due to the holding of a national congress of the Movement for Socialism (ADVANCE) in which, in the absence of the president and his loyal sectors, the former president was confirmed as leader of the ruling party and was appointed “only candidate”for the 2025 elections.

This congress was invalidated by the Electoral court who indicated that a single conclave should be held, however, the followers of both politicians were unable to bring their positions closer together.

The day before, the president Board indicated that during the “Coup attempt” called “the companion Evo Morales“to warn him, and said that despite the differences they remain”companions”.

Morais and his followers called for a new national congress of ADVANCE for September 3 in the region of Cochabambawhere they hope to appoint a new council and proclaim the former president as presidential candidate.

Source: Elcomercio

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