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Israel activates the new “green pass” with QR for recovered or with three doses of vaccine against COVID-19

Israel activates the new “green pass” with QR for recovered or with three doses of vaccine against COVID-19

Israel activates the new “green pass” with QR for recovered or with three doses of vaccine against COVID-19

Israel launched today the new “green pass” by QR code, to access closed establishments, only for those who received the booster dose, if they were vaccinated more than six months ago, and for those recently recovered from coronavirus covid-19.

Technical problems postponed the application of the new rules for this digital certificate, scheduled for October 1, and when the country has managed to control the third wave with less than a thousand cases a day.

Those not vaccinated or recovered may receive a temporary pass, upon presentation of a negative test of coronavirus, which will be valid for 72 hours.

The Israeli government opted for mass vaccination with the booster dose, even before it was recommended by international organizations, and today 3.8 million residents have received the third injection.

The national coordinator of the pandemic, Salman Zarka, announced today to Kan radio that they would nevertheless await the approval of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English) to provide the booster dose to children under 12 years.

The drastic decrease in cases, which registered a record number of infections this summer and today places the positivity rate below 2%, has led the Executive to defend its strategy to stop the third wave.

This strategy continues with the effective application of the “green pass”, which will be required at the entrance of establishments and venues, and the obligation to continue wearing a mask in closed spaces.

The authorities are now studying a plan to reopen the borders to tourists, closed since the beginning of the pandemic, pending to detail the access criteria and the countries of origin.

At the same time, the authorities encourage vaccination in the non-immunized population after the country, of more than nine million residents, led the vaccination campaign worldwide that stalled due to the resistance of anti-vaccines. EFE



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