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Kamala Harris tries to put an end to the rumors: “I am proud to be Biden’s partner”

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harristried on Tuesday to put an end to rumors about the possibility of him replacing the president, Joe Bidenin the race for The White House after the Democratic candidate’s poor performance in the debate against the former Republican president Donald Trump.

I’m proud to be your running mate Joe Biden“, said the vice president in an interview with the broadcaster CBS after leaving a fundraising event in California.

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Harris He therefore insists on his support for the president of The White Housewhich he already defended last Thursday after the electoral debate against trump carddeclaring that Biden It had a weak start, but a very strong finish.

However, the action of a Biden tired, lost in speech and with a wavering voice, it set off alarms in the Democratic ranks, raising the need to find a replacement to stop the advance of trump card.

Survey released this Tuesday by the network CNN highlights that if the situation continues as it is until now, with a duel between Biden It is trump card49% of voters would trust the Republican and 43% the Democrat.

If the candidate were Harris47% say they would vote for trump card and 45% for her.

In general, according to the survey of CNNvoters prefer any other Democratic candidate to Biden. 75% believe that this party would have best possibilities on November 5 if the nominee was not the current president.

Source: Elcomercio

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