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France: Far-right far from majority in parliament in first vote after candidates withdrew

The far right National Group (RN) would be far from an absolute majority in the second round of the elections elections French on Sunday, as it would reach between 190 and 200 seats, according to the first survey released after the massive withdrawal of candidates from other parties.

O RN would be in the lead, but would be far from the 289 deputies needed to have an absolute majority, according to research Harris Interactive released this Wednesday.

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He New Popular Front (NFP) would reach 159-183 deputies, while the Macronist bloc would get 110-136 and the conservative The Republicans from 30 to 50.

Other parties and candidates (regionalists, several independents) would have 17 to 31 deputiesspecifies the surveymade for the channel M6 and RTL radio.

This is the first demographic study of published voting intention after the deadline for presenting candidates for the second round ended on Tuesday afternoon.

At the end of this period, there were 218 resignations of candidates, almost all of them left-wing or macronistswho abandoned the electoral race to favor another candidate in the seat against a far-right rival.

The release in the next two days of new polls on voting intentions and their projections in seat distribution may or may not confirm this downward trend in RN before the strategy of their rivals.

Source: Elcomercio

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