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Colombia’s future interior minister: We will explore the possibility of convening a constituent assembly

The future Minister of the Interior Colombia, John Fernando Christassured this Wednesday, when his appointment was announced, that he will take office with the aim of seeking a national agreement that will allow the exploration of “the possibility”to call a National Constituent Assemblyan idea from the president Gustavo Pedro.

Christ, who was Minister of the Interior during the term of Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018), assured in a statement that one of its fundamental purposes will be “the search for a true national agreement that allows exploring the possibility of convening a future National Constituent Assembly under the parameters of the 1991 Constitution″.

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So, next week he will start talking to all sectors, such as allies, opposition, higher courts, unions, corporations and businessmen.

The goal is “see if we finally reach a national agreement that may or may not eventually – and that will emerge from the talks – end in the Constituent Assembly that would not be convened or elected, it would be a process that starts now and that if we reach a national political agreement it would be elected in the next Government and not in this Government”.

Petro has been outlining in public events the idea of ​​a Constituent Assembly that would allow the inclusion of social reforms proposed by his Government and which are stuck in the Congress.

However, in his latest statements, instead of talking about calling a National Constituent Assembly, he said that it must be the people themselves who request it, as the primary constituent.

Christ himself, a traditional liberal politician who was a senator for 16 years (1998-2014), Minister of the Interior between 2014 and 2017 and Government delegate in the peace negotiations with FARChad expressed his views on social media against the Constituent Assembly, saying that it is “impracticable”.

But now it is open to this possibility if there is a national consensus for it and in a future legislature, which would mean that it would not be Petro who would carry it out.

Promote peace and social reforms

Christ, who will replace him in office Luis Fernando Velascoanother liberal, led the Constitutional Reform of the Balance of Powers who eliminated presidential re-election and, as a senator, was the author of the Victims and Land Restitution Act. In addition, he led the implementation agenda of the peace agreement with the extinct FARC.

Among its objectives, in addition to seeking a national agreement, will be the implementation of the peace agreement signed in 2016, in addition to “deepen Colombia’s territorial autonomy” and, of course, promote the Government’s legislative agenda.

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In the coming days we will meet with all the ministers, both incoming and outgoing, and with the President of the Republic to define the priorities of this legislative agenda, among which will undoubtedly be the labor reform, health reform and a new effort to advance the legal law on education.», said the person who will be the new Minister of the Interior.

Cristo is the latest addition to Petro’s cabinet in the second half of his term.

Petro also announced in recent days changes in the Justice ministries, where Nestor Osuna will be replaced by the criminal lawyer Angela Maria Buitrago; in Agriculture, where Jennifer Mojica will be replaced by Martha Carvajalinoand in Transport, where it comes from Guilherme Camargo and that’s it Maria Constance Garcia.

Source: Elcomercio

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