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Israel classifies six Palestinian NGOs as “terrorist organizations”

This Friday, Israel rated as terrorists to six important non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Palestinian women for allegedly belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The measure was described by the Palestinian National Authority (ANP) as a “strategic attack” against civil society.

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The decision was announced this Friday by the Ministry of Defense, which detailed that the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, the Association for Human Rights and Support for Prisoners (Addameer), the Bisan Research and Development Center, the Union of Labor Committees Agrícola and the organizations Al-Haq and International Defense of Children “support the activity of the PFLP and promote its objectives”.

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In addition, Defense said in a statement that these institutions pretend to be civil organizations “but in practice they belong to and constitute an arm of the leadership”Of the PFLP, considered a terrorist group not only by Israel but also by the United States and the European Union.

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They were also accused of employing members of the group, of “serve as a cover for your promotion and financing”, To receive direct instructions from the organization and to divert money donated by European governments and international organizations to“terrorist activities”Of the PFLP, including the payment of salaries to its members and families of prisoners convicted of attacks.

These organizations are part of a network of organizations that, under the guise of international activities, depend on the PFLP to support their objectives and promote their activities.”, Said the Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, it’s a statement. “These organizations benefit from the help of fraudulently obtained European states and international organizations”, Detailed the Israeli minister.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ANP described this decision as “scandalous“And pointed out that it represents the last measure”of a systematic and relentless campaign against Palestinian civil society organizations and leading human rights defenders”.

On the other hand, Foreign Affairs called on the international community to defend the rights of these six organizations, which it said are being persecuted by Israel and are suffering “an unprecedented assault”.

The Israeli non-governmental organization Betselem pointed out that the decision of the Ministry of Defense “it is not merely declarative” but “is a characteristic act of totalitarian regimes, with the clear purpose of shutting down these organizations”.

In a joint statement, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch denounced a decision “hideous”, “unfair” and “alarming” that “threat“The work of some of the Palestinian NGOs”bigger”.

As is known, the Hebrew state, like the European Union, has for years considered the PFLP, a Palestinian armed group of a Marxist nature, as a terrorist organization. And many personalities linked to this movement, which also has a political branch, have been imprisoned in recent years.

With information from EFE and AFP.

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