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The son of a billionaire killed a woman with his Lamborghini, but he will not go to prison

The teenage son of Brendan Khuri, a millionaire businessman from the USA, had a traffic accident in Los Angeles in February 2020 while driving a Lamborghini at high speed. As a result of the incident, a 32-year-old woman died.

Last Thursday, the young man avoided being sentenced to prison and received, instead, the penalty of passing between 7 and 9 months in a youth camp for those under 18 years of age. The victim’s family questioned the ruling, since they considered that the cause of the fatal accident He should have been tried as an adult, and that he received special treatment for being the son of a powerful person.

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The accident occurred on the night of February 17, 2020, when the son of Khuri, whose name did not come out because he was a minor, he was 17 years old. According to what the Los Angeles Times reports, the boy had been driving his high-end car with his girlfriend at a speed higher than 160 km/h when he hit the four-door Lexus he was driving Monique Muñoz, 32 years old.

The accident occurred in the west of the city of The Angels, on Olympic Boulevard y Overland Avenue, and the report says that the force of the impact practically Muñoz’s car was cut in half and she, returning from work, died on the spot.

The judge of the Inglewood Juvenile Court (West Los Angeles Town), Sabina Helton ordered the teenager to be detained immediately after the hearing, which lasted for four days and included statements of the adolescent, his mother and relatives and friends of the victim.

The driver pleaded guilty to a charge of vehicular manslaughter in April, but his sentencing hearing sparked demonstrations outside the Juvenile Court building by Muñoz’s friends and family. Those close to the victim had requested that the teenager be charged as an adult. “Adult actions should be punished as adults”said the posters displayed by the protesters in the vicinity of the courthouse.

The relatives of Muñoz They pointed out that the young driver received special treatment because his family was rich and had all kinds of contacts. They also said that charges had not been promptly brought against the teenager over the money and influence of his father, a man who Forbes described as a billionaire, owner of several real estate firms, factories of different products and e-commerce businesses, according to the CBS media in Los Angeles.

The testimonies of the driver and the victim’s family

“Please know that I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart. I hate myself, I am very ashamed of what I did. I am broken inside. Sometimes i don’t want to live“Said the young defendant in court, through tears.

The young man’s sobs were not considered sincere by the victim’s relatives. Before this fatal accident, the millionaire’s son had been cited twice for driving at excessive speeds in Beverly Hills, something that even caused the suspension of his driver’s license. In addition, Los Angeles police officers also noted that in social networks, shortly before the fatal accident, the boy had climbed photos in which he talked about participating in street races or stunts.

Before the judge Helton gave his ruling, several relatives of Muñoz spoke and showed images of the accident. The mother of Monique Muñoz, Carol Cardona, He asked the magistrate to sentence the teenager to the maximum possible penalty. “I am going to ask the court to do justice for my daughter. She deserves it. My life is not the same, nor will it ever be”, He pointed out crying.

Had he been tried as an adult, the penalty that would have accrued to the driver of the Lamborghini would have been six years in prison. The judgment of the judge HeltonHowever, it is the most severe that can be handed down to a minor for the act committed.

The judge considered that there was a “Constant lack of responsibility” in the actions of the boy. He also wondered if his parents, who paid to have the Lamborghini removed from the warehouse in the weeks leading up to the fatal accident, they could provide the kind of supervision necessary for the young person to correct his behavior.

At the end of the judicial process, the victim’s uncle, Richard Cartier, told reporters at the court door: “This guy he’s a runner and a killer. That is what it is. He was meant to kill someone and he finally did: killed my niece. He got a candy sentence, and he’s going to pass it at camp Snoopy. And I have no more niece. When she left, my soul went with her. “


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