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US: 65-year-old man wins $ 2 million lottery for the second time

A retiree from Maryland, USA, has become one of the luckiest people in the world. Is that he won two million dollars playing the lottery for the second time, as reported RT.

This was reported by the State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency, who did not reveal the name of the 65-year-old subject, but did reveal how he won the large sum.

The 60-year-old bought two scratch-off tickets from the raffle “2.000.000 Richer” at a Salisbury gas station. In the first ticket he managed to win 100 dollars and in the second he found an amount greater than 2 million dollars.

However, she was not the first to win the jackpot of this same lottery, since several years ago she got the same amount, with which she financed her retirement and took her family on vacation.

The lucky man said that he won the award during the coronavirus pandemic and did not claim the award, but kept it in a safe until now. I had doubts that it was real “, confessed the winner.

He also provided advice for those who play the lottery. “Be realistic and make sure that when you play, you are not playing just to win the prize. Play to enjoy and while you enjoy what you do, win or lose, you have already won ”, he pointed.

Finally, the lucky man pointed out that with the money he earned he plans to renovate his house and pay for other family vacations.



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