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Queen Elizabeth II reappears driving a car for the first time since she was hospitalized

The Queen isabel II, whose state of health has recently troubled the British, was photographed driving a car on her grounds at Windsor Castle, where she rests on the advice of her doctors.

Photos published in the British press show the 95-year-old monarch alone in a vehicle, a green Jaguar, wearing sunglasses and a scarf over her hair.

SIGHT: Queen Elizabeth II will rest “at least” for two more weeks

He was recommended to rest on October 20 the day after a reception at Windsor Castle, where he appeared chatting with Boris Johnson, his Prime Minister, and with American businessman Bill Gates.

On the advice of her doctors, the sovereign must forego any official travel for at least two weeks, Buckingham Palace announced Friday night.

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However, he will be able to continue to perform “light duty,” including videoconference hearings, the palace said.

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His last public appearance was on Thursday, when he presented the gold medal for poetry to English poet David Constantine during a video conference hearing. A 24-second video broadcast by the palace shows her smiling, arguing through screens with the poet.

SIGHT: What is known about the health of Queen Elizabeth II and the reasons for her hospitalization for one night

Isabel II, whose husband, Prince Philip, died in April at the age of 99, was recently seen walking with a cane, a fact that first occurred in 2004.

Boris Johnson, who talks to her every week, nevertheless assured in an interview on Saturday that the head of state was “in very good shape” and that she should “just follow the advice of her doctors and rest.”

Hence, the queen resigned from attending the COP26 climate summit, which takes place over two weeks in Glasgow.

You must also cancel your participation in the Festival of Remembrance, on November 13, which pays tribute to British and Commonwealth soldiers, but “maintains the firm intention” to be present at the event that marks Remembrance Sunday, up to date following around the Cenotaph memorial in London, said the royal statement released on Friday.


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