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Nine people missing in the sinking of their boat

The castaways wanted to reach Martinique./Illustration – WITT / BNT / SIPA

Research has been launched in the Caribbean Sea to try to find eight people missing after the sinking of a boat bound for Martinique and the rescue of three Haitian survivors on Monday, announced the French authorities. “Today (Monday), early in the morning, three castaways of Haitian nationality were rescued by a boater in the channel between Dominica and Martinique,” said the prefecture of Martinique, island of the Lesser Antilles, in a statement .

The French authorities base themselves on the testimonies of these three survivors to indicate that “11 passengers would have been present on board a skiff coming from Dominica and bound for Martinique which would have been wrecked in the evening from Saturday to Sunday” .

An important research device

According to the prefecture, all means have been taken to search for possible survivors but these operations are “complicated by the difficult sea conditions in the canal”.

The Antilles-Guyane Regional Operational Surveillance and Rescue Center (CROSS) launched these search operations, which involve two helicopters, an aircraft, lifeguards at sea, a French Navy building and a pleasure vessel. .


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