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China detects 104 new cases of coronavirus, 87 of them by local transmission

The National Health Commission of China announced today that this Wednesday 104 new positives of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus were detected, of which 87 correspond to local infections.

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These 87 local cases were found in Heilongjiang (northeast, 45), Hebei (north, 23), Ningxia (north, 4), Jiangsu (east, 3), Henan (center, 3), Inner Mongolia (north, 2), Sichuan (center, 2), Gansu (north, 2), Shandong (east, 1), Chongqing (center, 1) and Qinghai (west, 1).

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The remaining 17 cases were found among foreign travelers in Guangxi (south, 5), Shanghai (east, 3), Guangzhou (southeast, 3), Yunnan (south, 3), Jilin (northeast, 2) and Shandong (east , 1).

The health authorities also reported today the detection of 31 asymptomatic cases, 16 of them by local transmission, although Beijing does not count them as confirmed cases unless they manifest symptoms.

The total of this type of infections under observation is 406, of which 343 come from other territories.

The National Health Commission also detailed that, until last local midnight (16:00 GMT on Wednesday), 24 patients were discharged after successfully overcoming the covid.

The total number of active infected in the China continental amounts to 1,080, 36 of which are serious.

According to the accounts of the institution, since the beginning of the pandemic, 97,527 people have been infected in the country, among which 91,811 have managed to heal and 4,636 died.

To date, 1,266,727 close contacts with infected people have been followed up, of which 41,773 are still under observation.


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