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The population shocked by the steak covered in gold tasted by their minister

Hide this steak I couldn’t afford. Video of a senior Vietnamese official enjoying a steak covered in gold leaf at a luxury London restaurant is arousing anger on social media in the Asian country, where the average income is a few dollars a day.

To Lam, Minister of Public Safety, was filmed in the London branch of a steakhouse chain, Nusr-Et, famous for its Turkish chef Nusret Gokce, says Salt Bae, followed by tens of millions of internet users. The restaurant serves steaks wrapped in edible 24-karat gold leaf, which are said to cost over $ 1,000.

The deleted video

“Where did he get the money?” His annual salary cannot even pay for this meal, ”one Internet user said indignantly. “The population has faced extreme hardship since the pandemic, but [nos responsables] are having fun like world famous celebrities, ”said another.

Photos of poor children from the poorest parts of the country were also posted. The clip, posted by the restaurant before being quickly taken down, has spread to TikTok and Facebook. To Lam is responsible in particular for the control of dissent. Since taking office in 2016, he has adopted a hard line towards human rights movements, closely watched by the communist regime.

The coronavirus as a factor of impoverishment

Average monthly income was around $ 180 in Vietnam in 2020, according to the country’s General Bureau of Statistics. The country, relatively spared from the pandemic last year, was hit during the summer by an unprecedented epidemic outbreak.

A third of the country’s 100 million people have had to stay at home, factories have closed, disrupting supply chains and weakening many workers. GDP contracted 6.17% in the third quarter, its worst economic performance since 1986.


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