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Multiple Bomb Threats at Yale University Force Students to Evacuate Campus | VIDEO

This Friday, the Yale university received multiple threats from bomb. For this reason the students and workers who were in the Old Campus and several buildings of the house of studies located in New Haven, Connecticut, were evacuated according to informs the local press. At the moment, the Police and the agents of the Department of Homeland Security of USA They are attending the emergency.

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As detailed by Sergeant Zanic of the Police Department to the Yale Daily News, several buildings in the Camus Viejo area received bomb threats. As a precaution, several law enforcement agencies have responded to the scene, notably the Yale and New Haven police departments.

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The University Theater, Jonathan Edwards College, Yale Art Gallery, Vanderbilt Hall, Bingham Hall, Welch Hall and Grace Hopper College were evacuated at 2:35 pm local time. The students who left these buildings were directed to New Haven Green and the Old Campus is blocked.

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