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USA: Judge favors Florida students not being forced to wear masks

The governor of FloridaRon DeSantis scored a legal victory on Friday with the support of a judge’s ruling on his order to prohibit the mandatory use of masks in public schools, which was sued by several school districts.

The administrative judge Brian Newman considered that the state government, specifically the Department of Health of Floridaand not school districts, is in charge of quarantine and anti-mask policies. covid-19.

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Several school boards, including those of Miami-Dade, the fourth largest in the United States; Alachua; Broward; Duval; Leon and Orange, who prefer more restrictive measures against the pandemic, had sued the Health Department.

According to the judge, the protocols anticovid they should not be more restrictive than necessary to keep children safe and learning in school.

The fight against the Florida rule that leaves exclusively in the hands of parents whether or not their children wear masks to school began with the start of the new school year at the end of August, which coincided with a rebound in the incidence of covid- 19 in that southern US state.

However, the judge’s ruling found on Friday that school boards lack standing to overturn state orders.

Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran recalled this week that districts that still mandate the use of masks must meet or face penalties, such as withholding official funds and reducing school board salaries.

However, several of the districts that sued have revoked the mask orders as the incidence of the pandemic has dropped in the state.

DeSantis It is contrary to the mandatory use of masks in any setting, not only in public schools.

Nor is it in favor of requiring vaccination certificates or “passports” and has expressly prohibited it by law, which has also sparked protests and lawsuits.

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