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Colombia registers a rise in coronavirus cases with 2,061 infections in one day

Infections by coronavirus increased in Colombia and this Sunday the Ministry of Health reported 2,061 new infections, bringing the total number of cases to 5,015,042, while 45 deaths were registered, bringing the number of fatalities from the pandemic to 127,533.

These figures are higher than those of the last two days because the health authorities reported 1,975 infections and 39 deaths on Friday and 1,999 cases and 32 deaths due to the pandemic on Saturday.

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The Colombian government has insisted that the population should be vaccinated to avoid deaths and illnesses. You have also said that there are enough serums available.

In that direction, the Ministry of Health reported today that it received a batch of 1,034,200 doses of vaccines from AstraZeneca, which are part of the bilateral agreement signed with several laboratories and which will be used to initiate, complete immunization schedules, and for third doses of population groups from 60 years of age.

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With this cargo Colombia completed 68,653,584 doses of vaccines from all laboratories and through all mechanisms, that is, the Covax strategy and bilateral agreements, donations, in addition to those acquired by the private sector.

The country has received 2,070,030 doses of vaccines so far in November. Of that amount, 1,977,600 doses are from AstraZeneca and 92,430 from Pfizer.


The report of the Ministry of Health indicates that the highest number of infections of the day was had by Atlántico (409), followed by Antioquia (397), Bogotá (252), Valle del Cauca (149), Norte de Santander (140), Magdalena (114) and Bolívar (103).

On the other hand, the deaths of the day occurred in Antioquia (9), Valle del Cauca (6), Atlántico (5), Norte de Santander and Cauca (4); Bogotá and Magdalena (3).

In Colombia, 12,151 cases are still active, corresponding to 0.24% of the total.

Today 30,619 samples were processed in the country, of which 18,988 were PCR type and 11,631 antigens, for a total of 27.07 million tests performed.

On Friday 402,526 vaccines were applied, of which 110,284 were second doses and 37,511 single doses.

With the above, 48,801,291 vaccines have been applied in the country and 21,961,611 people have the complete scheme. Likewise, 352,576 people have received booster doses.


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