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A couple discovers a miniature gold Bible from the 15th century with a metal detector

A particular miniature-size gold Bible that may have belonged to an aristocrat or member of medieval royalty was found by a couple from the United Kingdom who were exploring in the vicinity of the city of York with a device that detects metals.

According to The Times, Buffy Bailey and her husband discovered the religious text (1.5 centimeters long and 5 grams in weight) burning several centimeters deep on a farm that previously may have belonged to a very important figure.

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It would be the wife or sister of Richard III, monarch of England and lord of Ireland between 1483 and 1485.

Bailey said that he had found an extraordinary piece after recovering and cleaning it, since at first impression he thought it was a common object without much value in the market.

For women, the small Bible that bears the images of Saint Leonardo and Saint Margaret was made with 22 or 24 karat gold and could be used as a protective article during pregnancy and childbirth in the 15th century.

This is what the tiny golden Bible found by Buffy Bailey and her husband while exploring in the vicinity of the city of York looks like. (Photo: BNPS)

The editor of Treasure Hunting magazine, Julian Evan-Hart, mentioned that it is an “exceptionally unique” historical artifact and symbolizes an iconographic work, making a comparison with the Middleham gem, which cost $ 3.3 million in 1992, and remains in the Yorkshire Museum.

Both pieces are suspected to have been sculpted by the same artist.

After the discovery, the Golden bible It is being evaluated by specialists from the York Museum to determine whether or not they acquire said object with an approximate value of $ 134,000, according to Buffy Bailey.

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