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American Keishia Thorpe winner of the “World’s Best Teacher” award

American Keishia Thorpe winner of the “World’s Best Teacher” award

American Keishia Thorpe winner of the “World’s Best Teacher” award

Students all over the world are going to want to have her as a teacher. American Keishia Thorpe was voted “best teacher in the world” on Wednesday in Paris at Unesco headquarters. This annual prize is awarded by the Varkey Foundation, which promotes education, and of which the UN organization is a partner.

“I am very moved, because I thought that nobody saw our work so far”, declared the teacher, rewarded by the French actress Isabelle Huppert during a remote ceremony. Since 2014, the prize for the best teacher in the world has been awarded to one of them, “who has made a remarkable contribution to his profession”. As a result, a million dollars, gradually transferred over ten years, in order to set up educational projects.

English teacher in Maryland

Keishia Thorpe, an English teacher in Maryland (northeastern United States), is trying to make access to higher education “more inclusive” for her non-English speaking high school students, first generation immigrants or refugees. Among its methods, “the use of technology, real life experiences”, “field visits” or the design of activities around “civic engagement”, so that its students can feel included. , she listed. She also founded an NGO which enabled 500 students from all over the world to obtain university scholarships in the United States thanks to their performances in athletics.

Announced the same day, a twin prize, the Global Student Prize, was awarded to Jeremiah Thoronka, a student from Sierra Leone who developed a device that uses the kinetic energy of cars and pedestrians to produce electricity. green electricity.


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