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Evo Morales calls for mobilizations towards the cities to “defend” Luis Arce

Evo Morales calls for mobilizations towards the cities to “defend” Luis Arce

Evo Morales calls for mobilizations towards the cities to “defend” Luis Arce

The ex-president Bolivian Evo Morales He asked this Thursday the militants of the ruling party to mobilize in the nine departments and march towards the cities “to defend” the Government of Luis Arce against what they consider to be attempts to destabilize by a national strike against a law.

Morales It was expressed in this way in a massive concentration of peasants, coca growers and indigenous people related to the Movement to Socialism (MAS) in Shinahota, in the Tropic of Cochabamba, its political and union stronghold in the center of the country, in which it asked its bases are in “State of emergency and permanent mobilization”.

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How nice it would be (to make) marches to the cities peacefully to defend our revolution and our government at the head of President Lucho, that is our obligation. Otherwise the right returns to privatize natural resourcess, ”he said.

He also asked his party leaders to replicate this concentration in the nine departments.

The event, which was attended by the country’s president, Luis Arce, was convened to commemorate the two years of his departure from the country after resigning from the Presidency, which for the ruling party was the product of a “coup”, in addition to celebrating one year of his return and expressing support for the Executive in the face of protests in various regions.

For Morales, the “right” seeks “wear”To the Government because “He knows he will not win“To the MAS in the elections and, in his opinion, they seek to return to the time of “Neoliberalism”.

The also coca grower leader mentioned the “serious” case of Peru where “for 30 years the Peruvian oligarchy has shielded itself, by Constitution Peru cannot have public companies, it cannot have state companies” and in his opinion “that is what the Bolivian right wants” for your country.

For Morales, the protests that take place in some Bolivian regions for the annulment of a law against the legitimization of illicit profits are promoted by “some groups” that “do not want justice to be done” due to the “coup d’état” they gave him. in 2019.


The former president insisted that the 2019 crisis was “For natural resources” Bolivians and assured that “Even England had participated and financed the coup, all for the lithium”, an accusation made before by the Government of Arce that the British embassy in La Paz denied outright.

It revealed that last year they gave a “Hard battle” legal and political to preserve the legal personality of their party, in which they had the help of “Some members”Of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the Constitutional Tribunal.

“What did the coup plotters say? that the social movements are defeated, they have sworn that we were defeated and now the MAS is in the Government thanks to the unity of the Bolivian people and Evo is in Bolivia alive“Said the former president and thanked his militants for their support.

He also asked the Bolivian Justice to investigate the complaints made by the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in his book about the alleged attempt by the Bolivian military to shoot down the plane in which he was taken to with a rocket. Mexico in 2019.

On November 11, 2019, Evo Morales left Bolivia for Mexico on a plane sent by López Obrador a day after he resigned from the Presidency denouncing a coup, amid protests over allegations of fraud in his favor in the failed elections of that year, later canceled.

Morales stayed about a month in Mexico to later move to Argentina, from where he directed the electoral campaign of Arce and returned to Bolivia on November 11 of last year.

“I say (that) November 11, 2019 (is) the day of evil because of the right wing, everyone worried, bitter. And last year, November 11, 2020, the day of happiness, everyone was happy, no one was missing, we are complete “, he assured.


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