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The sad story of a mother who asked to celebrate Christmas in advance with her son before losing consciousness and dying

The sad story of a mother who asked to celebrate Christmas in advance with her son before losing consciousness and dying

The sad story of a mother who asked to celebrate Christmas in advance with her son before losing consciousness and dying

Becky Aspinall, a 33-year-old English woman, asked as her last wish before losing consciousness and dying to advance the celebration of Christmas to be able to spend it in a lucid way with only son, Alfie. When she was pregnant with her son, now 13 years old, she was diagnosed with Huntigton’s degenerative disease and her health has deteriorated considerably.

The disease causes nerve cells in the brain to wear out, causing uncontrolled movements and imbalance. As it worsens, the patient would feel unable to walk, speak, or eat.

Regrettably, she is already in the terminal stage: she has asked to be fed by tubes and only to be treated with palliative care.

“Since it was diagnosed, it has deteriorated over the years,” Becky’s best friend Kirsty Smith told Liverpool’s ECHO outlet. “That means he is at the end of his life”, added.

Similarly, it is not possible to know exactly when Becky will cease to exist, but.

The plans the family had, to go to London’s Winter Wonderland in Christmas to celebrate with Becky, they have been frustrated. So Lisa, her mother, and her stepfather decided to decorate their home in Oxton, England, with Christmas lights and decorations to celebrate this coming weekend.

For the past eight years, Becky has been in a nursing home. But, due to the coronavirus pandemic, they could only see it through a window and they have not managed to share as many moments as before, especially in the last end of the year parties.

However, the caregivers agreed to set aside the rules to let her go out to celebrate Christmas this weekend, due to her last wishes for life.

Alfie, her son, had never been able to be with his mother on this date.

“I have known Becky since school and now I am a nurse, it is sad to think that we live completely different lives and that she has not had the same kind of life,” says Kirsty before asking for the help of whoever wants to collaborate with her friend.


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