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Macron judges the conference “useful”, with “regrets but also progress”

Macron judges the conference “useful”, with “regrets but also progress”

Macron judges the conference “useful”, with “regrets but also progress”

Emmanuel Macron deemed the COP 26 on the climate “useful” on Tuesday, completed last weekend, with “regrets, but also progress” in the final compromise to try to limit global warming.

The Head of State particularly welcomed the commitment of some 200 countries to “accelerate the reduction in the use of coal”. “We remain mobilized to succeed in the next step: an announcement of the exit of coal signed by the large emitters”, he continued in a series of tweets.

Half of the countries committed to methane

The Head of State also welcomed the fact that around a hundred countries, representing “half of methane emissions”, have agreed to “reduce their emissions by 30% by 2030”. “Now the other half must get involved,” he urged.

The 200 countries of the COP26 adopted on Saturday in Glasgow an agreement to accelerate the fight against global warming, without ensuring to contain it at 1.5 ° C or respond to requests for assistance from poor countries.

The COP 26 “reaffirmed the importance that we all meet the 100 billion dollars of mobilization to support the transition of countries which have less”. “I called for us to catch up on the delay taken in 2020 and 2021”, added the Head of State. “We owe it to our youth. We will not let go! », He concluded.


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