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End of the investigation into the death in 2014 of Tamir Rice, a young black boy killed by the police

Message of support to Tamir Rice in Cleveland in December 2015. – Tony Dejak / AP / SIPA

The American justice announced Tuesday to close its investigation into the police officers accused of killing Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy, in 2014 in Ohio. He had been shot by a police officer in Cleveland while playing with a plastic pistol. The scene, filmed by a surveillance camera, had provoked outrage in the United States.

Prosecutors reviewing the investigation “have not found enough evidence to support a prosecution of Cleveland Police Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback.” They are accused of killing the African-American boy, the Justice Department said.

The decision “reinforces indifference”

“The decision to close this investigation only reinforces the indifference of our legal system to the lives of black people,” the powerful civil rights association, the ACLU, immediately denounced on Twitter. Like George Floyd or Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice is one of those whose names have been chanted angrily for months in the United States, considered emblematic victims of racism and police violence.

Police officers involved in the March death of Breonna Taylor were notified Tuesday of their upcoming dismissal from the Louisville police force, according to a letter released by the African-American’s family lawyer. These deaths launched an introspection of part of American society on the racial discrimination perpetrated in the country.


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