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After returning to face-to-face classes, the State of Mexico registers more than 4,000 coronavirus infections and 14 deaths

After returning to face-to-face classes, the State of Mexico registers more than 4,000 coronavirus infections and 14 deaths

After returning to face-to-face classes, the State of Mexico registers more than 4,000 coronavirus infections and 14 deaths

Since the face-to-face classes in the schools of the Mexico state, an entity that has the largest school enrollment in the country with 4.5 million students, in addition to teaching and administrative staff, approximately 4,400 infections of coronavirus Covid-19, of which 48 have been hospitalized and 14 have lost their lives, informed Governor Alfredo del Mazo Maza.

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“Within this universe of four and a half million, having 4,400 infections is a very controlled universe, very small, compared to the entire universe that we have of teaching and educational community, hence the importance that we continue to maintain these measures in schools because they have been successful, it has worked well and hence the importance of continuing to promote that back to class it can be given in person more widely and as soon as possible ”, Del Mazo said.

So far 3.3 million students have returned to face-to-face classes at the schools of the 125 municipalities of the Mexican state, which represents 76% of the school enrollment.

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“96% of the teachers are also already in the classrooms continuing with face-to-face training and this is an advance that gives us great pleasure, great pride for the good of the entire educational community, for the good of young people, of the students, of the children who, although they continued with their education, is not the same classroom learningO, seeing the teachers face-to-face, living with their other classmates and also continuing to fight the educational backwardness that occurred during this very difficult period ”, commented.

Del Mazo acknowledged that 76% of the students who have returned to classes is an encouraging percentage, but they want it to be 100%, so the state government carries out a program called The School Counts on You, by means of which it has gone to the houses of the students to encourage them to appear in the classrooms.

“Thanks to this program we have recovered more than 250 thousand students who have returned to the classroom, thanks to the impulse of this program The School Counts With You and we want to continue promoting and we want to continue encouraging families to be encouraged to return to face-to-face classes by the good of the young people, for the good of the children, for the good of the students and for the good of the coexistence of the families as well and I also have to say it for the good of the economic reactivation, which also depends to a great extent mobility, the return to face-to-face classes, he expressed.

Teachers ask for a reinforcement of the vaccine against Covid-19

The Mexican president went to Los Reyes La Paz to deliver a sports unit to the Union of Teachers at the Service of the State of Mexico and there the mentors asked him to apply the reinforcement of the Covid-19 vaccine, since they only supplied one dose of Cansino and they require another biological one; Alfredo del Mazo promised to make arrangements with the federal government so that this can happen.

In the Mexican entity, more than 20 million antigens against this disease have been distributed, more than in any other state in the country, and there is currently a coverage of 86%, which means that people over 18 years of age already have the scheme full, unveiled.

The November 27 The application of biologicals to residents over 18 years of age who wanted to attend the modules to receive the coronavirus vaccine will be concluded throughout the State of Mexico.

In the following days, the doses will be supplied to minors from 15 to 17 and later from 12 years onwards, as they are announced to the following age groups, which will allow the inhabitants and authorities to have greater peace of mind.


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