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New York judge exonerates two men convicted 55 years of Malcolm X murder

A judge of New York on Thursday exonerated two African-Americans, one of them died in 2009, who had been convicted more than half a century ago for the death in 1965 of the activist of the black cause Malcolm X.

SIGHT: Malcolm X’s family asks to investigate his murder after evidence implicating the Police and FBI

Called a “failure of justice,” the New York Supreme Court judge, Ellen Biben, exonerated Muhammad Aziz, alias Norman 3X Butler, who at 83 was present in the Supreme Court of New York, and Khalil Islam, alias Thomas 15X Johnson, died in 2009, following a lawsuit filed by prosecutor Cyrus Vance and the defense.

“These men were not entitled to the justice they deserved”the prosecutor told The New York Times on Wednesday Vance, whose office confirmed that there will be a press conference on Thursday following the “overturning of the unjustified convictions” of Muhammad A. Aziz and Khalil Islam for the death of Malcom X.

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The trial for the death of the black leader in February 1965 was dotted with errors and omissions, according to an investigation carried out by the Manhattan district attorney’s office and the lawyers of both convicts, cited by the New York newspaper.

After 22 months. the investigation concluded that both the FBI (federal police) and the New York Police withheld evidence that, if made public, would likely have led to the acquittal of the two men who spent decades in jail for a crime they did not commit..

Malcom X was assassinated on February 21, 1965 as she was about to speak at a rally at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, at the height of her popularity for her fight for equality and human rights.

The review of the case came after the presentation of a documentary about the murder and a new biography of the activist that, however, does not identify the murderers or reveal if there was a possible conspiracy by the police or the government to silence him.

Nor does it clarify why the police and the government were unable to prevent the crime, when evidence shows that there was ample evidence that his murder was being prepared.

After years of demanding justice, the names of Aziz, 83, who was released in 1985, and Islam, who was released from prison in 1987 and died in 2009, will finally be clean.

A third man Mujahid Abdul Halim, 80, confessed to the murder and was released in 2010. During the 1966 trial, he claimed that Aziz and Islam were innocent.


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